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- 9 stress reduction tips that may save your life
9 stress reduction tips that may save your life
No, seriously

Reduce Stress with These 9 Tips
We all have stress - from the moment we wake to the moment we go to bed, we are constantly bombarded with little fires that need to be put out.
Stress is the leading cause to most illnesses and has a significant impact on cancer and healing. Stress causes autoimmune disorders, illness and contributes to cancer.
There’s nothing worse than someone telling you to reduce your stress without actual concrete suggestions on how to add more ease into your life.
I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s in March 2022, 6 months before my breast cancer diagnosis and the first thing my doctor and other women diagnosed with Hashimoto’s told me was to reduce my stress because it triggers flair ups.
Here’s what helped me reduce stress and hopefully can help you too:
Start saying no to things you don’t want to do/attend. How often do you say yes out of obligation or FOMO (fear of missing out)? How often do you say yes to people when you really don’t want to? Tune into your emotional and physical needs and if your gut is screaming at you to rest and sit this one out, do it. You aren’t missing anything, I promise.
Offload some of your schedule. Yes, this one may feel impossible especially when your main cause of stress is work. But your health should be your priority so if there is any way to scale back, ask for help, offload some work to another person…do it. As a personal trainer, when I don’t work, I don’t make money. I was always afraid to say no because after doing the math, I was calculating how much money I would lose by saying no. So instead, I said no to vacations, visiting family, sleep - and my body suffered. After being diagnosed with cancer and being physically forced to say no to work entirely, I realized I was actually safe and could afford to take more time off than I thought. What’s more expensive, losing a few bucks to be proactive and take time off now, or losing years of income because you are sick in the hospital or suffering from more chronic illness?
Schedule in personal time. We all deserve personal days to take a step back from our responsibilities. Remember the safety rule on planes to put on your air mask before helping others, the same is true on land because if you do not help yourself first, how can you help others? Carve out 1 day a month to give yourself love - spa day, lazy couch day, spending time in nature alone, recharge day full of journaling/listening to music/enjoying your own presence. Yes with kids I know this is challenging, but 1 day a month is feasible and you deserve it.
Movement. It’s true, movement is medicine. When you move your body, you move stagnant energy. Do something energizing that will take your mind off of your current reality. Trust me, it works.
Come back to your breath. Your breath controls your heart rate, so the more you huff and puff or hold your breath, the more tense and anxious you will be. Take 5-10 minutes to slow your breathing and come back to your body. Works every time.
Talk it out. Is there someone in your life you can call to vent to and they will just listen? Someone who makes you feel safe, seen and heard without judgement. Do not call the person who cannot hold space for you because this may add to your stress. A good therapist or a good friend…kind of the same, right?
Take a vacation or mini trip. I know, easier said than done and it costs money, but living in America, working more and resting less is our culture. Our culture doesn’t encourage us to take time off and visit far away lands. We have to force ourselves to book that flight or take that roadtrip and often times it leaves us feeling guilty for missing work. Sometimes the cure to our problems may be one flight away. You’re going through cancer, you deserve it.
Get some sun. Did you know that low levels of vitamin D are associated with increased levels of depression and anxiety? Getting 10 minutes of sun in the morning can help improve your mood for the day. It’s also important to incorporate high levels of D3 supplements into your daily routine to strengthen your immune system, ward off illness, and improve your mood.
CBD and/or Micro-dosing Mushrooms. Yes kind of woo woo but also very healing. I started micro-dosing mushrooms and did the 4/3 protocol which was 4 days on, 3 days off. After 1 month, my stress, anxiety, and depression, significantly decreased and I felt increasingly lighter. Daily use of CBD will also help with anxiety and reducing stress.
Leo Max Hypnotherapist Event Recap
Wow! What a beautiful event led by hypnotherapist, Leo Max. He spoke about the energetics of cancer and how events in our life contribute to our health more than we know.
Here’s what you missed:
The body becomes the container for something that is too hard or too much to handle as a child
Symptoms are a harsh love letter from ourself
Speaking positivity over cancer - “I am in the process of healing, I am healed, my body is healthy and healed”
Leo is offering a 50% discount to his Restored Inner Child Healing module. This is a 4 part module that covers connecting with your inner child, the importance of the nervous system, 4 relationship attachments and how trauma affects our aura and energy bodies which creates disease.
If you are interested, use code: TAKE50TODAY at https://restorative-hypnosis.com/restored-inner-child

Yeri Park finished 6 rounds of TCHP chemo this month and we couldn’t be more proud! Congrats, Yeri!!!!
Want to nominate someone for CB of the Month? Send me an email!
You & Me (Rivo Remix) - Disclosure, Eliza Doolittle, Rivo
Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/98438840299 Meeting ID: 984 3884 0299
Stay tuned for the announcement of our February virtual event!
What other events/offerings would you like to have? Send me an email!
Going through chemo soon and unsure of what to expect? Well GOOD NEWS, I wrote a book just for you! I shared all the in’s and out’s of chemotherapy: what to expect, side effects, all things cold capping (and where to get a scholarship), egg freezing, and all the mindset tools to help you on your cancer journey. Get my interactive color PDF HERE or the Amazon Kindle version HERE.