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What Doctor's Don't Tell you About Having Cancer
20 Things I've Learned This Year

What Doctor’s Don’t Tell you About Having Cancer
Immediately after being diagnosed with cancer, life quickly becomes a whirlwind of phone calls, doctor’s appointments, a million conversations with friends and family, planning your future and basically reorganizing everything in your life mentally and physically to make room for this major life change.
Doctor’s attempt to tell you as much as possible but also as little as possible to not overwhelm you.
I really wish they had handed me a fat binder of useful information that could have prepared me for the next 10 years of my life.
After a year and a half of treatment, I am still uncovering hard truths about having cancer that doctor’s never prepared me for.
Here’s a list of some of the things doctor’s never told me that I have had to learn the hard way:
Cancer is not just a year of treatment and then you are done, when you have hormonal cancer it changes the next 10 years of your life.
Losing your hair is painful.
There are organizations that provide financial, wellness and hair assistance if you reach out (you don’t have to pay for wigs)!
You will go into medical menopause.
You will never be the same person again.
Low-dose chemo is in fact NOT easier than regular chemo.
So many young people are also getting cancer, you aren’t alone.
Genetics don’t play the biggest part in getting cancer, environmental factors affect us way more.
Exercise actually helps fight cancer treatment related fatigue.
Mindset is the most important part about fighting cancer.
Chemo can make you infertile so if you have time to freeze your eggs and you want children, do it.
You may qualify for trials that can benefit your treatment. Ask.
Mastectomy recovery is more emotional than physical.
You will be let down way too many times to count.
You may find gratitude in the diagnosis.
The guilt of surviving cancer may make it hard to celebrate surviving.
Dating with cancer……wtf.
Tissue expanders are weird and hard and hugging strangers is v uncomfy.
You will most likely gain weight during chemo.
Finishing treatment and re-entering society is almost as scary as starting treatment.
What would you add to this list?
XO, Amanda
P.S. I’ve started posting each week to Youtube and would love to start growing my community there. If you could subscribe to my channel, I will love you forever!!
Protect your nails during chemo by getting gentle gel or gelx manicures. I got gelx manicures with the approval of my doctor and it protected my thin nails from splitting or turning black. The clear tip covers the entire nail so it is not exposed and does not cause you pain. Make sure your nail tech is very gentle and files minimally.
The Unspeakable World - Adi Goldstein
🌟WED JAN 24 - 5:30pm PST: Leo Max, Hypnotherapist
Less than a week away + ONLY A FEW SPOTS LEFT!

Leo Max is a spiritual hypnotherapist based in Los Angeles, California. Leo specializes in deep dives into the subconscious where a person can explore their innermost selves and connect all of the dots.
He believes the stories we hold onto in our minds become the stories expressed by our bodies. When the story is completed, the body heals with it.
Leo's mission is to bring the soul and our multidimensional selves back into therapy. Each part of us is important and plays a role in our healing. No stone is left unturned in a session with Leo and is always a journey to remember.
This will be a very special session, make sure to book early!
What other events/offerings would you like to have? Want to nominate a Cancer Baddie for CB of the Month? Send me an email!
Going through chemo soon and unsure of what to expect? Well GOOD NEWS, I wrote a book just for you! I shared all the in’s and out’s of chemotherapy: what to expect, side effects, all things cold capping (and where to get a scholarship), egg freezing, and all the mindset tools to help you on your cancer journey. Get my interactive color PDF HERE or the Amazon Kindle version HERE.