Final Virtual Event of Jan - TONIGHT!

Post-Mastectomy Physical Therapy with Dr. Sarah Salva 💪🏽

You don’t want to miss this…

This has been a jam-packed month of events celebrating the launch of the new Cancer Baddies platform! We spoke with doctors about chemo brain and sex/intimacy with cancer, wellness practitioners led us through breathwork, meditation and yoga and last night we had the founder of Bossi Gals Wigs teach us how to find and fit a wig properly.

Tonight is our last event of the month with Dr. Sarah Salva as she discusses restoring strength and mobility post-mastectomy through physical therapy. A lot of us have had mastectomies and may not have gone through physical therapy to help with the after effects.

Sarah actually came to my home and helped me with some of my physical therapy after my surgery. She taught me stretches I could incorporate into my daily life to improve mobility and ease the pain.

If you or a loved one has undergone a mastectomy and are looking for more physical support, make sure to join us tonight, Jan 30 at 5pm PST on the Cancer Baddies platform.

Free 7 day trial✨ when you sign up for a monthly or yearly membership! If you are a patient in active treatment, please respond directly to this email for a special discount.

See you there!