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- 'Tis the Season of Gratitude
'Tis the Season of Gratitude

Thank You, Cancer Baddies
To everyone who showed up Wed night to our bi-weekly CB call, thank you. This week’s call felt different and maybe it’s because there has been a lot of heaviness in the air lately. Processing worldly events while also trying to process our own cancer world can sometimes feel unbearable.
My emotions have been all over the place ranging from happiness to sadness to anger in the blink of an eye - but Wednesday night I felt gratitude. Vulnerability is a hard thing to switch on but when going through cancer, it really doesn’t leave you much choice than to let other’s know how you feel. We heard incredible stories of women processing their cancer- the heaviness of feeling like a burden on family, the survivor’s guilt of, “but my cancer isn’t as bad so I shouldn’t be this sad” and the, “why should I celebrate these happy moments when I hate my current reality and image?”
Space and love were held for complete strangers we had never met and we each saw something in one another’s battles. And thank you Ashley for the reminder of when in doubt, ALWAYS resort to cancer humor. Because sometime's we just have to laugh about our current reality.
XO, Amanda
✨NEW✨ - CB Product Donations Google Sheet
I’ve been getting emails from individuals within the CB community who have leftover items from treatment that they would like to donate. We all have products laying around the house I’m sure we would like to get rid of or if you are in need, can receive for free.
I have created a Google Spreadsheet for all product donations HERE. If you have items you would like to donate, please fill out the form with the product name, cancer type, your name and contact email. If you are interested in receiving the product please reach out directly to the owner via email. The recipient will be responsible for shipping costs and must arrange payment with the owner. Once the item is sold, owner must list the sold date so others will know it is no longer available.
Again, the link is https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/11JHXRaFt-pllhWENCPCxoRpCNW7b0N76SdMPIyeWV_E/edit?usp=sharing
Not sure if I mentioned this previously but if you are experiencing medical menopause and are struggling with intimacy with a partner, Bonafide provides many products for support. I have been using Reveree, the hyaluronic acid suppositories, for 2 months and it has been a game changer. My gynecological oncologist said it has helped so much with restoring moisture and she cannot recommend them enough. Bonafide’s products are a little pricey so if you cannot purchase these, my oncologist mentioned that all hyaluronic acid suppositories have the same results so purchase one within your budget.
Saying No is Okay
This holiday season includes a lot of activities for some of us which can be overwhelming and exhausting, both physically and emotionally. Make sure to prioritize your health and wellness this season and don’t be afraid to say no. Your body is working overtime to heal so make sure to keep the FOMO guilt away by prioritizing your own needs and only saying yes to people, places, and things that will fill your cup.
What other events/offerings would you like to have? Send me an email!
Going through chemo soon and unsure of what to expect? Well GOOD NEWS, I wrote a book just for you! I shared all the in’s and out’s of chemotherapy: what to expect, side effects, all things cold capping (and where to get a scholarship), egg freezing, and all the mindset tools to help you on your cancer journey. Get my interactive color PDF HERE or the Amazon Kindle version HERE.